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Small Update and Announcement

Feb 3, 2023 | Updates


It’s been a few days since the **BETA INVASION** started. We will soon be opening up the store for donation ranks and the community-selected premium currency Cupcakes to be purchased! At this time there’s nothing to buy cupcakes with, but there will be in the near future. MiniMoose told me so.

We’ve corrected a few bugs, permission issues, and have found things that need balancing and setup still. Please keep using the post guidelines in #🪲bugs to post any bugs you have encountered. Again we also want feedback, so post in #🙋general-help or #📋suggestions depending on if you need help with commands, what something does, etc or if you have an idea for balancing, something for the server, etc 🙂

Thank you for putting up with the initial rocky start, wouldn’t be a GIR-themed server if something didn’t go wrong right?